Defining Django Practices


Defining Django Practices

With any language or framework you want to follow the best practices established in that community to save yourself trouble down the road. When you do have flexibility you have to make decisions and take responsibility for the opinions you express. Over time you will refine the particulars of your work based on the nuances in the type of projects you work on. In this context, we want to generally use best practices, but also simply define our practices so they can be gradually improved and adapted over time.

As you work on projects with other developers, it’s important to follow a consistent standard. It’s okay if you find that an opinion you’ve expressed is bad for some reason, as you can identify and change the style and conventions you have. As a project grows and involves more people, the last thing you want are disconnected practices that leave a new developer wondering exactly how they should implement a new feature.

Python Enhancement Proposals

Django is a Python framework. Python’s PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code is the best practice for writing Python code. PEPs are Python Enhancement Proposals, which are design documents which provide concise technical specifications of a feature or process and a rationale.

At Lakesite.Net, we use Django for many projects. As concise and opinionated as Django is, there are a variety of ways to setup, package, structure, secure, deploy and manage Django projects and apps. The following are the Django practices we use.

🎯 Django Practices 🎯

Inspired by William Vincent’s Django Best Practices

These are the practices we currently use at Lakesite.Net when developing Django apps. We take a few positions on what we consider a best practice, but recognize they’re only appropriate to the context of work we do. For example, we prefer Vagrant and ansible over Docker for a lot of projects.

Why Django?

Django’s strength lies in being well documented and maintained, with a superb ORM. With django-rest-framework, it’s a great way to create APIs. It gives you a fast way to setup an app with an admin interface, where all you need to do is define your models.

In short: Use Django when you need to rapidly prototype, develop, and maintain budget projects which need to last and minimally require CRUD which you can iterate over to gradually replace the stock admin interface.

Target Platform

As of Dec 2019, we develop against:




3rd Part Packages


Django applications should have as a convention a repository/project name of:


Django projects which use apps don’t have this requirement and can simply be named:



In general, use the following layout for projects and django apps:


A typical project structure will look like the following:

/                       - Main repository.

    * .gitignore 
    * Vagrantfile
    * (optional)
    * requirements.txt (optional)
    * Pipfile

/docs                   - Documents.
/licenses               - License files.
/{PROJECT}              - Django Project.
/{PROJECT}/settings/    - Settings (,,
/{PROJECT}/apps/        - Django Applications.
/{PROJECT}/apps/{APP}   - An example application.
/ansible                - ansible plays.

Project Settings

Each project should have a settings package API for managing configurations for development, staging and production environments. The simple convention is:

    /        - Define a regular package.
    /            - Base settings that apply to any environment.
    /     - Settings for development which imports from base.
    /         - Settings for staging which imports from base.
    /      - Settings for production which imports from base.

The first line from, and are:

from .base import *

Using these settings in development, staging or production can be defined explicitly e.g.;

(pipenv-environment) $ python runserver --settings=PROJECT_NAME.settings.development

Or by using an environment variable with DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE:

(pipenv-environment) $ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=PROJECT_NAME.settings.staging
(pipenv-environment) $ python runserver


A typical app that we’re packaging will look like the following:

/                       - Main repository.

    * .gitignore 

/docs                   - Documents.
/licenses               - License files.
/example_project        - An example Django project which uses the app in /
/{APP}                  - App folder containing

    * ...

/{APP}/migrations - App specific migrations.


Projects should generally contain a /docs folder with the following:

/docs/          - Table of contents or main document index.
/docs/      - Why are we doing this?  What problem are we solving? etc.
/docs/       - Target platform (Ubuntu 18.04.3 / Django 2.2.x)
/docs/        - Installation instructions.
/docs/        - How to run the application.
/docs/      - Standards for the project not already defined through this document.
/docs/    - How to properly setup a development environment.

Each section should be referenced where appropriate from


The main repository for any project should have a file per convention, and the should summarize what the code is licensed under. Additional 3rd party licenses should be referenced under /licenses/


We’ve defined a list of practices for Django projects. The document is available here.

Two of the Django projects we’ve published that follow these practices include: django-prospect and django-emailuser

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